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CNN - Kiran Chetry Says Goodbye 07 29 11.
Veteran Newsman, Who Was a Household Name in New York for More Than 20 Years Before Joining CNN in 2005, Exits the Cable News Network When Contract Not Renewed TVNewser
Here's Kiran Chetry's finale on American Morning and CNN on 07 29 2011. It was fun while it lasted. Their best personality is gone now, so CNN might as
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Veteran Newsman, Who Was a Household Name.
Suzanne Malveaux has gained weight!!! News Television Questions including "What. CNN - Kiran Chetry Says Goodbye 07 29 11. Entertainment - Black Visions - Black.
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Erika Tarantel of NBC in NY, being veey professional yet here on this group for being VERY sexy. She recently soften her hair tone which brings out her
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Suzanne Malveaux has gained weight!!!
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Look at her face on CNN. Why would a pretty on air personality allow that to happen? Is she pregnant? She looks good with some weight. I agree with R1
Suzanne Malveaux has gained weight!!!